Home » A1245 Drainage Improvements And Kerbing

Working on behalf of Essex Highways to undertake the kerbing and drainage improvement works along the A1245. Works were completed under single lane closure for the majority of the roadway. Works coming away from the Fairglens Roundabout were undertaken at night to minimise disruption to the public. The drainage had collapsed in several sections of the verge and was failing. This was susepected to have been caused by the major fire off the roadway the previous year. We provided Essex Highways with Topographical surveys of the routes and completed a GPR survey to physically mark out the depths and locations of the services we could trace. The verge was alive with services, including medium pressure gas, electric, BT, Virgin, broken water pipes and several redundant services. Trial holes were undertaken every 6m to identify a safe route for the new 225mm plastic twin wall drainage pipes through the services, with no two pipes running without a disruption. Health and Safety was an absolute priority so the works had to be carried out working to our avoiding underground services risk assessments. The drainage was installed with no incidents, the most complicated sections having to be undertaken at night. We renewed the kerbing where it had sunk or failed along the roadway. Installed or renewed gullies and associated connections and installed new roadmarker posts. The works were completed on time and in budget.